What Is The Purpose Of The Code-Behind Files In Asp.Net
Open Source. NET,C,ASP. NET,VB. NET Projects,Free. NET Code,Scripts. This is a forum application built in ASP. Net with C code behind. It provides unlimited categories, forums, messages. It also covers most of required forum features like administration, moderation, access rights, emailing, polls, emoticons, themes, multiple boards, IP banning etc. The supported databases are MS SQL Server 2. XML Files Transforming XML with XSLT and ASP. XML for ASP. NET Developers. By Dan Wahlin. Softcover 4. Pages. Published by Sams. ISBN 0. 67. 23. 20. Buy a Copy. Chapter 7 Transforming XML with XSLT and ASP. Creating a visual Web page template can simplify your development work Web Programming. In this article I am going to show you how to create a secure login screen for your ASP. NET website the proper way. I have come across many examples whic. NETIn This Chapter What Is XSLTThe Transformation Process. Getting Your Feet Wet with XSLTThe XSLT Language XSLT Functions. NET Classes Involved in Transforming XMLCreating a Reusable XSLT Class What Is XSLT During the development of the XML specification, the W3. C working group. realized that for XML to reach its full potential, a method of transforming XML. At some time or another, an. XML documents will need to. If the only method for accomplishing this task necessitates. XML document into the appropriate format by. XML parser paired with a programming language, the power of having a. XML language would be lost. Some method. of transforming XML documents into different formats such as HTML, flat files. Wireless Markup Language WML, and even other forms of XML needed to be devised. To accommodate this transformation process, Extensible Stylesheet Language. Transformations XSLT was created. Version 1. 0 of the XSLT specification. W3. C in November of 1. TR1. 99. 9REC xslt 1. XML parsers now provide full XSLT support. The. NET framework provides. XSLT version 1. 0 specification. What exactly is XSLT useful for and why would you, as an ASP. NET developer. want to learn about it The answer boils down to the capability of XSLT to. XML documents into different formats that can be consumed by a variety. Personal Digital Assistants PDAs, Web enabled. Transformations can also be useful in situations where an XML documents. An XML document may contain the appropriate data to be. For example, the application may. XML documents rather than ones with a. Can you post the code of both asp. Nov 4 09 at 526. Item Templates are used by VS developers to create files using the Add New Item dialog. SideWaffle already contains a number of Item Templates such as Angular. In this article I explain a new functionality of ASP. NET 4. 5, the FileUpload control to upload mulitple files at a time, with an example. Dan lnameWahlin. Heedy lnameWahlin. Danny lnameWahlin. Jeffery lnameWahlin. Using XSLT, this document can be transformed into a structure that the. Uc Browser Download Samsung Touch Mobile. Danlt fname. Wahlinlt lname. Heedylt fname. Wahlinlt lname. Dannylt fname. Wahlinlt lname. Jefferylt fname. Wahlinlt lname. This chapter teaches you how to perform this type of transformationas. The transformation process. The XSLT language. NET classes involved in transforming XMLThe Transformation Process. The process of transforming an XML document into another format, such as HTML. WML, relies on two types of processing engines. First, a parser capable of. XML document must be present to load the source document into a DOM. DOM, refer to Chapter 6, Programming. Document Object Model DOM with ASP. NET. Next, the XSLT document. This tree. structure will normally be optimized to accommodate XSLT processing and is specific. An XSLT processor is then needed to take the XML. XSLT document, and then output the resulting document. The third. tree structure the resulting document is dynamically created based on information. XSLT document. A simple diagram of this transformation process. Figure 7. 1. Figure 7. The XSLT transformation process. XSLT Templates. Before looking more closely at how to build XSLT documents, its. Although XSLT stands for Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations, an. Extensible Template Language. Transformations. Why The answer is because of its reliance on templates to. Media Player Codec Pack V4 2 3 more. The W3. C provides the following. A stylesheet contains a set of template rules. A template rule has two. This allows. a stylesheet to be applicable to a wide class of documents that have similar. If you have ever used templates in Excel, Word, or Power. Point, you know that. For. example, every time you submit an expense report, you may be accustomed to. Word that is designed for this purpose. The template. likely has specific form fields built in so that every expense report being. There may be other templates that are used for. The point is that the templates are geared to match up with a. Templates in XSLT function in much the same way, except that they are geared. XML document. XSLT templates provide a way to. XML document. Their basic purpose is to provide a template structure that. XML document is. discovered. So how do templates work The XSLT processor described earlier is provided. The first is the structure for the. XML document and the second is the XSLT document itself. After these two. structures are provided, the XSLT processor attempts to match element or. XML document with templates contained in the XSLT. This matching process uses XPath expressions that are embedded. XSLT document. When a node found within the XML document matches a. XSLT document, that template is processed. Processing of templates found within an XSLT document normally starts with a. XML document and proceeds down to its. When a template is processed, the output is added to the third tree. Templates offer an efficient way to process a variety of XML document. XML document contains. Each time an element, attribute, text node, and so on is. XPath expressions. If. a given node does not have a matching template, no processing will occur on it. XML document is processed. In cases where a matching. So that you can see templates in action, the next section introduces you to a. XSLT document. The sections that follow describe in greater detail how to. XSLT language. Getting Your Feet Wet with XSLTIn this section well examine a simple XSLT document that transforms XML. HTML for display in a browser. The sections that follow show how XSLT can. XML into many formats other than HTML. This example represents a. ASP. NET applications that. XML data within a browser. Listing 7. 1 shows an XML. Listing 7. 1 Golfers XML Document 1 lt Taylor Made id1. Name Heedylt first. Name. 6 lt last. Name Wahlinlt last. Name. 7 lt name. Courses. Pinetop stateAZ namePinetop Lakes CC. Phoenix stateAZ nameOcotillo. Snowflake stateAZ nameSilver Creek. Courses. 1. 3 lt golfer. Taylor Made id2. Name Danlt first. Name. 1. 7 lt last. Name Wahlinlt last. Name. 1. 8 lt name. Courses. 2. 0 lt course cityPinetop stateAZ namePinetop Lakes CC. Pinetop stateAZ nameWhite Mountain CC. Springville stateUT nameHobble Creek. Courses. 2. 4 lt golfer. Listing 7. 2 presents an XSLT document that can be used to transform the XML. HTML. The different elements used in this document are discussed. Listing 7. 2 Golfers XSLT Document 1 lt XSLTransform. Text font family arial color 0. Yellow. Text font family arial font size 1. Black. Text font family arial font size 1. Black. Text lt b Golfers lt b lt span. Text. 3. 5 lt td width1. Skill lt b lt td. Handicap lt b lt td. Clubs lt b lt td. Text. 5. 2 lt td colspan6 classlarge. Black. Text. 5. Favorite Courses. City lt b lt td. State lt b lt td. Course lt b lt td. Courses. 6. 2 lt table. Yellow. Text bgcolor0. Name xa. Name. 7. Courses. 7. 4 lt xsl apply templates. Text. 7. 8 lt td colspan2 alignleft. To transform the XML document shown in Listing 7. XSLT document. shown in Listing 7. Listing 7. 3 can be used Listing 7. Using the Xsl. Transform Class 1 lt Import NamespaceSystem. Xml. 2 lt Import NamespaceSystem. Xml. Xsl. 3 lt Import NamespaceSystem.